Uhuru Cabinet
- Kazungu Kambi: An affable political punsterAugust 14, 2022Samuel Kazungu Kambi is a member of Uhuru Cabinets’ dramatic and cacophonous ilk. The former Kilifi County MP and grassroots mobiliser with a long, uproarious laugh and folksy charm was a farceur politician, jerky in oratorial grasp when expressing […]
Kibaki Cabinet
- Ochilo Ayacko – Loyal lieutenantApril 25, 2022When it comes to loyalty, few men exemplify it as much as Ochilo George Mbogo Ayacko, whose decision to stick with his political mentor, Raila Odinga, saw him demoted from a powerful ministry to a less influential one, and then fired from President Mwai Kibaki’s Cabinet one short year later. The […]
Moi Cabinet
- Yusuf Haji – Provincial administrator who had the President’s earMay 16, 2022It was in 2002, at the tail end of President Moi’s regime, that Mohammed Yusuf Haji became a Cabinet minister. Until then he was a career civil servant who had worked in the provincial administration for three decades. As he was considering a much-deserved retirement, Moi plunged him into politics […]
Kenyatta Cabinet
- Nathan Munoko – KANU boss who reigned supremeApril 30, 2022At 90, Nathan Waliaula Munoko is amazingly physically fit and clear-minded. Much as memory fails him on some details of his political life, he narrates many defining personal and national moments with interesting anecdotes. Munoko is agile and […]